วันศุกร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2561

Arduino18 10 Watt High Power LED with an Arduino

10 Watt High Power LED with an Arduino


Introducing the 10W High Power LED

10W LEDThe proliferation of these super bright LEDs has sent their prices plummeting, thus making them affordable to makers like us.  However, given their nature, we don’t just supply a voltage and hope the LED works.  In fact, that’s a sure way to burn them up.
Instead, we supply power to the LED by controlling the current.  This can make interfacing these devices a little tricky for the novice.
This article will show you how to put one to use.   To keep things easy,  I’m going to use my Minghe B3603.
Finally I’m going to use a TIP122 not only to turn it on and off, but I’ll control the brightness using pulse width modulation.  I’d prefer to use a mosfet, but this is what I’ve got hanging a around at the moment.   The principal that I apply is the same as what I did to power an automotive relay using an Arduino.

Basic 10W Led Test Circuit

The circuit is simple.   As I mentioned, I’m using a the B3603.   You could use your own Constant Current, Constant Voltage supply or you could build your own using an LM317.

10w High Power LED Arduino Tutorial

What’s not discussed here is a Heat Sink.   These LEDs get hot and you’re going to want one.  If you continually operate you LED without at high power without one, you will burn it up.

Gather Parts and Connect Your LED to the Arduino

Copy, Paste Up and Upload the Arduino High Power LED Blink Sketch

There’s nothing fancy here.  This sketch just turns the LED on and off.  I recommend disconnecting your Arduino from the 12 volt supply before performing your upload.  Reconnect it when you are done.
// Henry's Bench
//10W High Power Arduino Tutorial

int nLedDrive = 10; // pin zero is our relay drive

void setup() {
  pinMode(nLedDrive, OUTPUT); // declare relaydrive as an output
  digitalWrite(nLedDrive, HIGH); //Turn the Relay Off

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(nLedDrive, LOW); // Relay On
  digitalWrite(nLedDrive, HIGH); //Relay Off

Test the High Power LED Blink Sketch

Power up your power supply.  If you are using the Minghe B3603,  you may need to press the ‘OK button‘ in order for it to come on.   Pressing the ‘Set button‘ once its on will turn it back off.
If everything is functioning,  your LED will turn on and off at 2 second intervals.

Copy, Paste and Upload the Arduino High Power LED PWM Sketch

Keep the same set up.  Like before, I recommend disconnecting the 12 volt source from your Arduino while uploading the sketch.
// Henry's Bench
//10W High Power Arduino PWM Tutorial

int nLedDrive = 10; // pin zero is our relay drive
int x; // LED Brightness variable

void setup() {
  pinMode(nLedDrive, OUTPUT); // declare relaydrive as an output
  digitalWrite(nLedDrive, HIGH); //Turn the Relay Off

void loop() {
  for (x =  0; x < 256; x++){
    analogWrite(nLedDrive, x); // 0 is off, 255 is bright

Test the High Power LED PWM Sketch 

With everything reconnected, you should see the LED gradually increase in intensity.
If you’ve chosen to use the Minghe B3603,  you will be able to see the affect on the power, voltage and current by cycling the ‘OK button‘.

