วันศุกร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2561



Step 1: Get All the Parts

Picture of Get All the Parts
The parts needed in order to build this project are these:
The cost of this project is around $30. If you take into consideration the technology that this project uses, this cost is very low. 10 years ago, projects like this would cost a few hundred dollars!

Step 2: The 1.44" LCD Display

Picture of The 1.44
Picture of The 1.44
This display is very fast. It uses the ILI9163C driver. It has a resolution of 128x128 pixels and it can display up to 260.000 colors. It is very easy to use with Arduino and it costs around 4$.
The display uses the SPI protocol in order to communicate with the Arduino board. We only need to connect 8 wires in order to make it work. Let’s start.
Connection with Arduino
Vcc ▶ 5V pin of the Arduino
GND ▶ Arduino GND pin
CS ▶ Digital Pin 10
RST ▶ DIgital Pin 9
A0 ▶ Digital Pin 8
SDA ▶ Digital Pin 11
SCK ▶ Digital Pin 13
LED ▶ 3.3V pin of the Arduino
As you can see this display is very easy to use with Arduino. It is very cheap, very fast, it is small in size and it only draws around 30mA of current. I think it is a nice display to use in projects that don’t require a big display but color would be nice.

Step 3: The Fingerprint Sensor Module

Picture of The Fingerprint Sensor Module
Picture of The Fingerprint Sensor Module
Picture of The Fingerprint Sensor Module
The fingerprint sensor module is small, and nicely built and it uses some advanced DSP (Digital Signal Processing) chips inside.
The sensor works like this. It is an optical sensor, which means it analyzes the photo of a finger. It then renders the image, makes some calculations, finds the features of that finger and then searches in its memory for a fingerprint with the same characteristics. It can achieve all that in less than a second!
This module can store up to 1000 fingerprints in its memory and its false acceptance rate is less than 0.001% which makes it pretty secure! Great! We get all that in a very easy to use module and with very low cost! It is a really impressive technology!

Step 4: Connecting the Parts

Picture of Connecting the Parts
Picture of Connecting the Parts
Picture of Connecting the Parts
Let’s now put all the parts together.
First we have to connect the fingerprint sensor module. We plug in the cable at the back of the module. Please check the attached photo.
Fingerprint Sensor Connection
Black Wire ▶ Arduino GND
Red Wire ▶ Arduino 5V
Green Wire ▶ Digital Pin 2
White Wire ▶ Digital Pin 3
We are now ready to connect the display to Arduino.
Display Connection
Vcc ▶ 5V pin of the Arduino
GND ▶ Arduino GND pin
CS ▶ Digital Pin 10
RST ▶ DIgital Pin 9
A0 ▶ Digital Pin 8
SDA ▶ Digital Pin 11
SCK ▶ Digital Pin 13
LED ▶ 3.3V pin of the Arduino

Step 5: The Code of the Project

Picture of The Code of the Project
Picture of The Code of the Project
Picture of The Code of the Project
Let’s now see, the software side of the project and how to enroll our fingerprints to the module’s embedded memory in order to recognize them.
We need to download some libraries. First of all we need the Adafruit Fingerprint library, the Adafruit GFX library and the Sumotoy’s library for the display.
First of all we have to upload the enroll example to our Arduino board. We go to File -> Examples -> Adafruit Fingerprint Sensor Library -> Enroll. With this example program we can store fingerprints in the FLASH memory of the module. We upload the sketch and we open the Serial Monitor. The program ask us to enter the ID to enroll. Then we place the finger on the sensor twice as we are instructed and the fingerprint is stored! You can store as many as 1000 fingerprints this way!
Now, let’s load the code that I have developed. Thanks to Adafruit’s libraries the code of the project is very simple. Let's see a small part of the code.
<p>void loop() {</p><p>  fingerprintID = getFingerprintID(); <strong>//We scan the fingerprint here</strong>
  if(fingerprintID == 1) <strong>//We have found a valid fingerprint with the id 1</strong>
  }</p><p>   if(fingerprintID == 2) /<strong>/We have found a valid fingerprint with the id 2</strong></p><p>  {

